Portland Recording Wrap-up
Portland was better than we had expected it to be. Granted, we expected it to be pretty great - but I think we were all pretty pleased by the amount of work we accomplished (4 complete songs in 4 days) and the amount of fun we had (a fantastic lunch & dinner every night followed by boozing at some of Portland's finest night spots - including a bar that serves incredible hot dogs until 3am - every night. Also, we visited Multnomah Falls - a pretty mind-blowing experience.
Also notable is the fact that the five of us slept in bunk beds in the same room at this hostel without getting sick of each other. Also, I don't think I woke anyone up with my snoring - maybe because I purchased some breath-rite strips when we hit town.
Most of the fun we had was due to the hospitality and studio-wizardry of Dylan Magierek. The Type Foundry felt comfortable from the moment I set foot in it. The space is unbelievable and I highly recommend recording there if you're ever in the greater Portland metro area. The equipment is top notch and the space is big enough to get some really cool sounds. The A/C went out while we were there, but that made recording a bit grittier which is what we like. We like it rough. We've signed waivers to that end. Don't call the cops.
We tracked four songs that will be on our next record. We're finishing the album in a few months at Electrical Audio here in Chicago and Dylan will be joining us to finish the sessions.
In the meantime, we have one show booked at Schubas w/ Wax Fang on July 2nd. We're also in the midst of booking other Chicago shows for the summer and will definitely get out of the area for some shows in the Midwest.
The next wave of remixes should be finished pretty soon. The contributors are busy with their own projects / lives / jobs etc, so no pressure on them. I'm excited to hear the results, though.
Our official site will be updated soon w / a more straightforward front page that will feature blog updates - probably most often by me.
That's all - the new record is a third of the way in the can!!! That's exciting. We have a few album titles we're kicking around, but nothing has stuck yet.