Monday, November 22, 2004

my morning in pictures

+ =

Luckily the dude was okay. My heart was in my throat and my adrenaline was pumping but the situation sorted itself out quickly and we went our seperate ways.

after that - this happened.

and then this a little more of this and then a trip out to where I got a and ate some and will now shortly go to where I will dream about but probably mostly about and and hope I won't dream about how pete wants to do it with .



Blogger said...

best post of 2004, right here!

i hope the bike situation was ok...sounds scurry dude.

2:14 AM  
Blogger nat the brat said...

now that's an update. not nearly as exciting as millah b's blog where you can watch his and his soon-to-be neighbors' houses get built, but a worthy effort.

9:45 AM  
Blogger MC High Life said...

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9:27 PM  
Blogger MC High Life said...

Sorry to let you down Lil G. I will look to Quinn for all future tips on web page design and Coctails updates. I guess all one has to do is search the internet for photos of stuck trucks and they are heros in your mind. Holla at a waste of effort.

9:30 PM  
Blogger d said...

Please provide link to High Life's blog. I feel like reading the internet.

1:03 PM  

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